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final pics of Maggie's Marble Track
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:06:21 PM I ended up lifting the effective height of the big marble track and made a new toothpick bridge, slightly higher than the first one had been.
The problem now was how to get the large marbles to drop straight down without breaking things when they land...
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:06:28 PM I ended up lifting the effective height of the big marble track and made a new toothpick bridge, slightly higher than the first one had been.
The problem now was how to get the large marbles to drop straight down without breaking things when they land...
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:06:40 PM I ended up lifting the effective height of the big marble track and made a new toothpick bridge, slightly higher than the first one had been.
The problem now was how to get the large marbles to drop straight down without breaking things when they land...
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:06:49 PM I ended up lifting the effective height of the big marble track and made a new toothpick bridge, slightly higher than the first one had been.
The problem now was how to get the large marbles to drop straight down without breaking things when they land...
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:09:21 PM Solution ended up *not* dropping straight down.
I didn't know how far away I could go; so I built up from the bottom and down from the top and just let them meet where they met.
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:09:30 PM Solution ended up *not* dropping straight down.
I didn't know how far away I could go; so I built up from the bottom and down from the top and just let them meet where they met.
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:09:38 PM Solution ended up *not* dropping straight down.
I didn't know how far away I could go; so I built up from the bottom and down from the top and just let them meet where they met.
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:09:44 PM Solution ended up *not* dropping straight down.
I didn't know how far away I could go; so I built up from the bottom and down from the top and just let them meet where they met.
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:07:40 PM closeups of toothpick bridge
Thu 14 Jun 2007 05:08:02 PM closeups of toothpick bridge
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:10:14 PM closeups of final spoon path
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:10:23 PM closeups of final spoon path
Fri 15 Jun 2007 08:10:39 PM closeups of final spoon path
Tue 10 Jul 2007 01:56:57 PM This little fan thing I had made a *long* time ago, but never used it (it had been designed for use way down on the bottom, but ended up being way too big).
Finally found a perfect use for it to keep the large marbles on course around this toothpick induced curve.
Tue 10 Jul 2007 01:57:01 PM This little fan thing I had made a *long* time ago, but never used it (it had been designed for use way down on the bottom, but ended up being way too big).
Finally found a perfect use for it to keep the large marbles on course around this toothpick induced curve.
Tue 10 Jul 2007 01:57:15 PM closeup of ribcage thing that keeps the large marbles on track before inner spiral.
Tue 10 Jul 2007 01:57:46 PM closeup of outer wall to keep toothpicks on track before big spiral.
(un)fortunately, I don't have any more pics of construction. just pics of the packing and that's it. However, there is a video showing the final product..