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I couldn't bear to delete these, nor make their own little uncommon categories

not sure who we should sue for this
bicycles bound for China
bicycles bound for China
aka exporting trash
big auger
big auger
in Shibuya, apparently digging the new metro line that will extend Toyoko line up to Ikebukero
bigger auger
bigger auger
in Shibuya, apparently digging the new metro line that will extend Toyoko line up to Ikebukero
card to Eri
card to Eri
hahahaa... I see I used the kanji for tree (木) instead of I (私).
card to Nathan and Lauren
card to Nathan and Lauren
deflated green ball
deflated green ball
this is now my chair for my desk at home. Best 999 yen ever spent!
fish postcard in mailbox
fish postcard in mailbox
Akiko sent me this. When I looked in the mailbox, I was like, "wha????" and very hesitantly poked at it with my finger. hahahahaha!
Gemma Ward pic of poster
Gemma Ward pic of poster
shockingly hot
halcyon tea spillage
halcyon tea spillage
halcyon days of PB 52
NIN cover art
NIN cover art
from my Spiral membership package 2 May 2007
seatless balance bike
seatless balance bike
I noticed something strange about this bike.. but couldn't figure out what at first. Oh! No seat! I asked the owner when he came out, and he basically said it was so he could have full range of balancing motion when going over difficult terrain. Phat.