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Earthquake Information

Earthquakes occurred from a week ago today

[Information about Seismic Intensity at each site]
The map and text below show a) observed Seismic Intensity (1 and above) and its location, b) date and time when the earthquake occurred, and c) epicenter and magnitude of the earthquake.

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Earthquake Information (Information about Seismic Intensity at each site)
Issued at 13:37 JST 16 Oct 2008

Occurred at (JST) Latitude
Depth Magnitude Region Name
13:32 JST 16 Oct 2008 32.9N 130.1E 10km 3.9 Nagasaki-ken Nanseibu

Seismic Intensity at each station
(* mark: Local Governments' or NIED's station)
PrefectureJMA Seismic IntensityStation Name
NAGASAKI3 Isahaya-shi Dozakimachi*
2 Isahaya-shi Higashi-kojimachi
Isahaya-shi Konagaicho*
Omura-shi Kushima*
Unzen-shi Kunimicho
Unzen-shi Obamacho-unzen
Unzen-shi Azumacho*
Minami-shimabara-shi Kuchinotsucho*
1 Hirado-shi Shijikicho*
Higashi-sonogi-cho Kuramoto*
Nagasaki-shi Nagauramachi
Nagasaki-shi Motomachi*
Nagayo-cho Ureri*
Togitsu-cho Ura*
Shimabara-shi Shimo-orihashimachi*
Unzen-shi Chijiwacho*
Minami-shimabara-shi Nishi-ariecho*
SAGA2 Tara-cho Tara
1 Shiroishi-cho Ariake*
FUKUOKA1 Omuta-shi Sasabayashi
Omuta-shi Showamachi*
Omuta-shi Yumeimachi*
Kurume-shi Tsubuku-hommachi
Kurume-shi Kitanomachi*
Kurume-shi Jojimamachi*
Kurume-shi Mizumamachi*
Yanagawa-shi Hommachi*
Yanagawa-shi Yamatomachi*
Yanagawa-shi Mitsuhashimachi*
Chikugo-shi Yamanoi*
Okawa-shi Sakemi*
Tachiarai-machi Tomita*
Oki-machi Hatsucho-muta*
Chikuzen-machi Shimotakaba
Chikuzen-machi Shinokuma*
Miyama-shi Setakamachi*
Miyama-shi Yamakawamachi*
KUMAMOTO1 Hitoyoshi-shi Shiromotomachi
Kamiamakusa-shi Oyanomachi
Amakusa-shi Higashihamamachi*
Amakusa-shi Ariakemachi*
Amakusa-shi Itsuwamachi*

No Tsunami threat by this earthquake.
"--" in the above information represents an indeterminable value.

Some of cities/towns/villages name in the message are those before they united.