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Earthquake Information

Earthquakes within the last week

[Information about Seismic Intensity at each site]
The map and text below show a) the observed Seismic Intensity (1 and above) and its location, b) the date and time of the earthquake, and c) its epicenter and magnitude.

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Earthquake Information (Information about Seismic Intensity at each site)
Issued at 11:35 JST 16 Apr 2009

Occurred at (JST) Latitude
Depth Magnitude Region Name
11:30 JST 16 Apr 2009 37.2N 136.8E 10km 3.2 Ishikawa-ken Noto-chiho

Seismic Intensity at each station
(* mark: Local Governments' or NIED's station)
PrefectureJMA Seismic IntensityStation Name
ISHIKAWA2Anamizu-machi Omachi*
1Nanao-shi Nakajimamachi-nakajima*
Wajima-shi Fugeshimachi
Wajima-shi Monzemmachi-hashiride*
Shika-machi Togiryokemachi
Shika-machi Kano*

No Tsunami threat by this earthquake.
"-" in the above information represents an indeterminable value.

Some of the names of cities/towns/villages in the message are the versions used before the areas were administratively united.