Acapulco backgammon

Acapulco security

Aki loves dessert

Alaska RR

Francois, get down!

Francois Rob Miki

Francois by tail

Francois wearing Naho's shoes wearing Rob's shoes

GET Olympics

Gastown steam clock

George Meegan tattoo

I caught another salmon

I found a street

Joel slumber party

Kimbo bowl


Kris fish

Kris smiling fish

LeLy talk



Maryann and Pat with spoons

Maryann eyetag

Masami and Rob
Matt's stag party
Matt and Mika

Miki peace

Mikoshi rider


Morag and Francois

Mr Frisky meets Francois


Naho has Francois

Natalie, Carissa

Natalie, Rob

Natalie and Tami in Port Said

Natalie near Exit Glacier

Nicole, Carissa

Nicole eye-tagged me

Niveen on lion

Okinawa in LeHavre

Oui Oui Greg

Oui oui Brandt

Paige! 45, 47, 48 GET-T

Panama locks

Panama mules

Panama something


Petra and Kamau

Petra and Rob

Petra face in mountains

Piggyback Kattrean

Port Said

Port Said 1


Pyramid Lane

Pyramid entrance


Rob's sexy hair

Rob's sexy hair top

Rob's sexy hair triangle

Rob Francois Kim

Rob Natalie Francois

Rob Petra Kris Yuuka in fiord

Rob and Kattrean on Marathon Mountain

Rob and Sakota

Rob at dusk

Rob caught a salmon

Rob hug Francois

Rob in Jamaican falls

Rob nuzzle Francois

Rob of Arabia

Rob on lion


Seward, Alaska

Seward, Alaska 1

Shunji and Rob

Sumo UN bunny


Topaz was Carnivale

Vietnam classroom

Wadi Rum

We have the Rabbit

Yuko Rob

Yuuka, Dave, Shawn

Yuuka sleeps 1

Yuuka sleeps 2

Yuuka sleeps 3

Yuuka zzzzzz

about the steam clock

after street skate

bad rabbit

bad rabbit 1

bear cannot see

beaver buzz

before speech
big tree 'n little kattrean
boarded in Singapore

costa rica suspension bridge

current boundary ice

dead sea

dirty towels


dr monkey

exquisite corpse by Matt and Rob

exquisite corpse by Rob and Matt

fatman and rabbit

find the picnic

flying rabbit

fountain close

fountain far

fun with chips

funny caption needed

get off my bed!

getting ice

going to get ice

helping clean Costa Rican beach

how to really catch a whale


ironic signs

katt fish


laura card

leaf cutter ant impasse

local max on Marathon Mountain

lunch in Colombo

lunch in Colombo 1

massage workshop

meet me at Sunshine Bar

mo dessert

monkey and Kin

my picture for Nicole

no dessert

old tire

open bottle of wine

orange drink

our demands

pat katt

performance team


pyramid modernization

road to Petra museum

self portrait on Marathon Mountain

short rabbit

slumber party






the treasury

tracked in Singapore


wet Katt 1

wet Katt 2

wet Katt 3

where is Topaz

which way


with George Meegan
you naughty rabbit