Rob and Yuuko
serious discussion
Dan and Jen
Mamiko, Aiko, Miki, Rob
Morag, Kaori
Olivia's byebye party
he's got a dirty room
Rob, Miki at Olivia's byebye party
hat switcharoo Olivia's byebye party
hats off at Olivia's byebye party
hats okay Olivia's byebye party
Morag and Oliva
Miki, Kaori
Genkiman Dan
Mamiko, Aiko
Olivia in secret elevator hideout
after Olivia's byebye party
elevator antics
Miki, Oribia
crying in Yokohama station
we'll meet again, desho!
final tears
Morag and Dan no worries
Final J-wave
bicycle antics front
bicycle antics side
my old room
Tony, Guy comments
me and Takako
building near KQ 1
building near KQ 2
building near KQ 3