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Futakotamagawa shops closed 8 October 2006
Futakotamagawa shops closed 8 October 2006
they were closed for a while for construction
me you disc
me you disc
snot festival
snot festival
This says "hana mizu ki festival" (and other stuff). The kanji they used for "hana" is the one that means flower. They didn't use kanji for "mizu" but it can be taken to mean water. ki means tree. Funny: "hana" can also mean "nose" and "hana mizu" or literally "nose water" means snot. Presto: welcome to the snot tree festival!
Let's sand
Let's sand
Yes, let's! Anyone have sandpaper?
second to last night at Dogwood Plaza - 1
second to last night at Dogwood Plaza - 1
Dogwood Plaza was to be closed within a couple weeks...
second to last night at Dogwood Plaza - 2
second to last night at Dogwood Plaza - 2
Dogwood Plaza was to be closed within a couple weeks...