Francois fish chair
Francois and the forbidden spoon
Francois on moving sidewalk
Francois near Kagoshima ferris wheel - 1
Francois near Kagoshima ferris wheel - 2
Francois over Kagoshima ferris wheel
Francois behind water wall
Francois at front of train - 1
Francois at front of train - 2
tracks - 1
tracks - 2
Y - 1
Y - 2
tracks - 3
tracks - 4
tracks - 5
Francois at Kiire
tracks - 6
bad Francois! No sitting!
Francois on fountain
not peak season - 1
not peak season - 2
dig those diggin' mamas!
Francois and Rob's head
Jon's head
Marcus' head
happily buried - 1
happily buried - 2
happily buried - 3
Francois and Robu chinchin
islands in the stream
Francois and hanging chandelier
Rob and Francois in Ibusuki
Francois in Ibusuki
Francois 2000
Francois and slice of history
Francois in cute mug
Kagoshima ferris wheel
Francois being tongued by girl
Francois' final pic
Ami and no Francois