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Bali Elephant Safari Park

Rob in awe of Komeng
Rob in awe of Komeng
hairier than I expected
hairier than I expected
Rob and Komeng
Rob and Komeng
Hitomi's tusk chair
Hitomi's tusk chair
Komeng tusks Rob
Komeng tusks Rob
elephant recliner
elephant recliner
Hitomi's mobile tusk chair
Hitomi's mobile tusk chair
sit, Komeng, sit!
sit, Komeng, sit!
flying Hitomi
flying Hitomi
Komeng spies Francois
Komeng spies Francois
Francois trunked
Francois trunked
riding Komeng
riding Komeng
Eko, Hitomi, Francois, Rob on Komeng
Eko, Hitomi, Francois, Rob on Komeng
benefits of taking elephants for a walk
benefits of taking elephants for a walk
elephant rafting
elephant rafting
Komeng poised
Komeng poised
group seating
group seating
Rob driving Komeng
Rob driving Komeng
best fun ever
best fun ever
Hitomi, Komeng, Francois
Hitomi, Komeng, Francois
Komeng's painting
Komeng's painting